Nurses Station Disguises
Stop staff harrassment through windows, de-institutionalise desks, create resident privacy and independance
Camouflage your Nurses Station with artwork custom-made to give your residents back their privacy and independence without sacrificing duty of care. Creating a personalized home, that minimalises clutter, adds brighter living, tonal contrast, and simple landmarks for way-finding are at the heart of Australia’s new National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines.
Therefore, Nurses Station disguises, or enhancements, are an important part of institutionalizing care home environments. In our homes, we do not live within communities of people, let alone, under the constant supervision of nurses and managers. Yet, hospital care staff are important to ensure 24-hour safety. Studies show that depression increases and cognitive reserve decreases after entering into Residential Aged Care, due to a loss of strengths-based decision-making because staff are doing everything, and, less time spent outside in nature and with the community.
The health benefits of art and the arts are now scientifically proven. Nurses stations are ideal vertical surfaces for artworks to create home-like atmospheres- with benefits. Nurses Stations and desks come in many shapes and forms, inside and out – given the increased need for garden supervision. At Tailored Artworks, we have numerous film options depending on your space including opaque, translucent, and One-way Vision film that can be reverse printed and installed by us on the inside of glass windows. Also, several types of wallpapers for desks. Nurses Station Camoflagues are smart ways to create sustainable measures of well-being in environmental design for dementia.
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