Advancing the age-old importance of Art in Architecture to help Aged Care Providers, Health Care Providers, Designers and Architects convert Bleak Facilities into Spaces of Well-being
Complete suite of strengths-based dementia-enabling design solutions for reminiscence, wayfinding and landmarks. Create Well-being through Neuroaesthics, Salutogenic Design, Biophilia, Awe Theory, View through a Window Study, etc.

Ideas for converting Bleak Facilities into Spaces of Well-being

Custom-printed Fire Exit Door Disguises for everyone’s stress relief

Create genuine physical home-like environments and easier wayfinding

Affordably transforms plain modern paneled doors into wayfinding delights

Stops staff harassment through windows or doors. Creates an out-and-about vibe

Stops staff harassment through windows with Eden Philosophy and a view

Takes residents away to a retreat, reducing the risk of elopement

Stops residents from raiding cupboards and scattering items all over your facility

Unifies and declutters hallways and living areas with larger, safer, low-cost views out

Converts unused rooms into quiet rooms and windows into sensory experiences

Turns dull rooms into Spaces of Awe for Community, Spirituality and Health

Artful Signage
Visually intuitive signs for the cognitively impaired that minimize confusion and create a classy atmosphere.
Our Webinars on dementia-enabling design

Our Products for NDIS environmental design

A calmer, de-cluttered, safer and easier home through same-height, glass-less Artworks

Uplifts the Home with beauty, nature and life while improving wayfinding

Gives the transcendent emotion of awe to people who spend more time in bed

Turns a locked outdoor space into a Room with a View to reduce the desire to elope

Sensory experiences that improve safety and well-being through a veil of Art

Homely beauty and comfort without the allergies, cleaning, slipping or tripping hazards

Makes spending time hygiene a delight while providing a sense of space for holistic health benefits

Affordably ads surprise, happiness and delight to spaces

Functional Home Modifications for NDIS Participants to improve Well-being in the kitchen or laundry

Turns a room into place of wonder and well-being
Unique Art Finishes for Well-being in Health Care Design

Gives patients a more soothing focal point to escape to than TV

Ideal for uplifting clinical spaces with Healing Art and Colour Psychology

Improves Health holistically with Biophilic Art in all-natural, hypoallergenic and salutogenic mosaic

Therapeutic Art for Hospital Design to improve mood and aid the healing process

Convert a wall into a spectacular odyssey

Convert a wall into a spectacular odyssey

The missing link between hospital-like and home-like design. Non-trip, non-slip tile carpets.

Creating a stylish sense of Well-being from positive Colour Psychology
Designer Art Finishes for Aged Care, Health Care and NDIS Providers
So people no longer have to live in a Bleak Space without a sense of Well-being.
We are Product Designers, Artists, and Decorators specializing in environmental design for cognitive impairment and corporate branding. As such, we create biophilic spaces and salutogenic designs using the Age-old Importance of Art in Architecture for a sense of Well-being.
The benefits of working with us are:
Help to get the Aged Care 5 Star Rating: The Government is backing the Australian Royal Commission into Aged Care and the NCC22 (National Construction Code) recommendations on improvements to energy efficiency and livability. With funding, and our expertise and unique artful products updating your environmental design, you will save your staff time, improve theirs and your residents’ experience and leap toward your 5 Star Rating.
Experience since 2008: Conversations matter: Arcare Care, Opal Aged Care, Southern Cross Care, Coolibah Aged Care, Queensland Health, St Basils, Regis Aged Care, St Vincents Care, CPSM Care, Ramsay Health Care, Goodwin Aged Care, Australian Unity, Kopwa Aged Care and Blue Care.
Dementia Training: Wicking MOOK Certified. Enrolled in Dementia Training Australia. Listening to podcasts: The Dementia Podcast, Shaping Dementia Environments, The Model Health Show, The Genius Life by Max Lugavere and more. Armed with industry education, our aim is to switch from people being victims of poor design to making their own decisions through strengths-based environmental design.
Trained in Interior Decorating and Colour Psychology: The psychology of spaces ends with its Interior Decor. Deep knowledge of decorating can make oversized spaces feel intimate, give long hallways clearer landmarks, make dining rooms not so lonely, provide interaction outdoors instead of just racetracks, help people find their room when every door is the same-or transform problems into art galleries like our Cupboard Door Diversions.
Design Industry recognised: In 2022 we were Finalist after being nominated by The interior Designers Association for the HIA Building Women’s Awards for Professional Women in the Aged Care and Dementia space.
Thought Leadership based on science: The View Through a Window May Influence Recovery From Surgery AKA Room with a View Study which correlates with Awe Theory, proved that a view of beauty and/or art or nature increases empathy- which is important to communal living, helps patients manage pain and anxiety. While being in nature is best, scientists now know that the powerful emotion of Awe can release positive endorphins and then dopamine in the brain which helps to ease depression.
Changing reactions to environments: Our knowledge and products like dementia door disguises help providers to stop nursing home elopement, keep residents safe, and reduce exit door stress. Similarly, our Outdoor Murals help turn dull outdoor spaces into retreats for Aged Care and NDIS participants. Humans are 90% visual. So, it is sensible to use visual tools to imbue positive psychology into the built environment as final decorative touches expressive the Interior Design and Architectural style.
Thought leadership in future Aged Care Design: In 2023 Sharron Tancred was invited to collaborate with leading Aged Care architects, landscape designers and a top dementia expert in the Australian government’s, “Reimaging Where We Live Design Ideas Competition,” testing the draft of the National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines. Resulting in the architects calling our project ”Ärt House”. Aged Care providers looking for fresh, evidence-based architectural ideas and dementia-enabling design can rely on Tailored Artworks for thought leadership.
Free Design and Quotes: Lastly, all this expertise and genuine passion is at your fingertips without upfront fees.
Read about our journey to become the leading provider of Art for Aged Care, Healthcare and the Ethics surrounding this quest.
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