Dementia-friendly Design Inspo Book
Wayfinding Art Products deliver strengths-based designs for Dementia
Wayfinding products by Tailored Artworks deliver beautiful dementia-friendly design strategies to convert your bleak facilities into spaces of Well-being. While much of your space needs to remain neutral – to avoid overstimulation, we solve problem spaces through art – for Awe Theory and so much more. Applying colour as meaningful dementia-enabling designs with warm textures and homely vibes. In this way, strengths-based designs for dementia can be applied to walls, doors, cupboards, ceilings, floors, fences, and fountains. Dementia-enabling designs are one of the least understood and underexploited areas in the toolkit of environmental design for Aged Care. Our wayfinding products will help you achieve your 5-star rating.
NOTE: Not all products are in the book! Contact us for the full catalogue.
Flip through our Inspirations for Dementia-friendly Design
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